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Solar Pump Drives now available for PMSM , AC Induction and Solar Induction motors

Customer Story : Techie uses Amberroot REhub to DIY his Solar install

Do it Yourselves (DIY) : Adding Solar PV in your house ! I have below a detailed blog from a ‘Techie’ Ajeet Sharma who set up a Solar plant in his house – all by himself. He used Amberroot’s REhub MPPT for the same. Like a true engineer, he is…

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Adding Solar PV to Existing Inverters

How to get real savings in Electricity bills and keep the batteries safe! Electricity supply in India has improved enormously in the recent past. The Southern region is expected to have an high Peak shortage (Power cuts !). The Eastern region is expected to have an energy surplus in 2015-161.…

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An argument for Solar Part – II

In my earlier post (https://www.amberroot.com/an-argument-for-solar-on-your-rooftop-13/) I discussed how in the places where power cuts are common, Solar makes immediate sense and how REhub makes it even more easier to decide on Solar. What about places where Power cuts are not so common but the electricity tariffs are high ? Take…

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An argument for Solar on your rooftop – Part I

Take a typical home in Hyderabad or Coimbatore or for that matter most cities and towns in India. The uncertainty surrounding power cuts and the need to tide over them has spawned a whole industry around Inverters and Batteries & everyone seems to have one in their home for power…

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System Integrator Question Series – What Panel should I use with my PWM charger?

The other day, in a meeting with a system Integrator from Trivandrum (He has been a great supporter of our products and has given us tons of valuable feedback and some good business too) we were asked if it was OK to use a 60 Cell panel with 24 V…

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Will I save Money If I Install Solar ?

    Yes that is the bottom line isn’t it ? Should be straight forward to answer if – the Ifs and but(s) appear and the issue becomes too confusing.  Let me explain why. Installed Wp Vs What we actually get on field.  Wp rating of the Solar Panel is…

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